I am TOO busy at work right now. When it's only a 20 minute walk home, its easy to stay too long in the office. Unfortunately I don't have much choice at the moment as things are so busy. But its better than having no work!
Steph is still looking for a job. She's had several interviews lately, although most have been for employment agencies. She is waiting to hear back from one she had yesterday though which she was very interested in, so here's hoping...
Hopefully our container from the UK should be ready for delivery within the next week. It will be great to be able to come back and collapse on a sofa!
We're off on a church camp this weekend, and we have to go on a boat in order to reach it - yikes! It sounds like its really cut off. But it will be good to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city (and there's lots of it) for a few days.
And we finally saw Indiana Jones last night! Its been out a few weeks but we could never find a time our friend and us could both do! Anyway, it was very enjoyable, if a little far fetched. But that's ok - it's Indy!
Indy rules! It was an enjoyable romp, pure Spielberg!