Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Spot the difference?

The bottom photo is from 21st June while the top one is 26th July. Spot the difference?


  1. Easy - top one was taken on a cloudy day, hence different colour cast on the photo ;-)

  2. tee hee, you're looking well ;)
    Hope the pregnancy is treating you well, love, May xxx

  3. That is sooo cool, its a baby bump!!!!! Have you felt any kicks yet? x


  4. So:

    1. Cards in front of the picture on the mantlepiece
    2. Pot plant is on different sides of the fireplace
    3. Mug on the left side of the mantlepiece
    4. Candle on the hearth
    5. Candles on the mantlepiece
    6. White thing by TV has changed orientation
    7. Steph's mouth is open in the top one.
    8. Steph's hair is done differently
    9. Steph is wearing jeans in one.
    10. Steph has her hands more open in one.
